We have learnt by heart sections of the The Highway Poem as a class to recite and perform.
Listen to the video all about Eva Crane. There are three tasks to complete: 1. A timeline of Eva Crane and her work with bees. 2. A board game to play with question cards (optional) Can be done in family fun time. 3. A powerpoint presentation, or information poster or a poem about bees and their decline. (Perform your poem optional).
Watch the French lesson and then complete the tasks on the class page.
Watch the video and complete the activity sheet on class pages.
Watch the introduction and join in. Then, use the activity sheet available on class pages to help you do the activity.
Watch the video and join in. Then, create your own sequences which include wide, curled and narrow shapes.
Watch the Science lesson by Miss Hinds. When you are finished, choose one of the tasks to complete. Resources are available on the class page.
Watch and join in with the lesson by Miss Hinds . After, complete one of the work sheets which you will find in class pages.